Labor Day > A Prayer for Labor Day

Labor Day Prayer

A Prayer for Labor Day

Bless the work of our hands, O God.

Bless the hands that work the land;
hands that move earth, plant seeds
and harvest, hands with calluses
and dirty fingernails,
strong hands.

Bless the hands that make things;
hands that manufacture and create,
working wood and metal and plastic,
practical hands.

Bless the hands that make music
and art; hands that play
instruments and hold paintbrushes,
hands that are creative tools,
artistic hands.

Bless the hands that care for
people; hands that cook and feed,
heal and nurture,
hands with a gentle touch,
loving hands.

Bless the tiny, baby hands.
Bless the strong adult hands.

Bless the hands that
are folded in prayer.

Bless the hands that
are lifted in praise.

Our hands do the
work of your hands,

O God our Creator. Amen.

Happy Labor Day!

Wishing you a Happy Labor Day
Don R. Salter
