Independence Day > America


America the beautiful
May it always stay that way;
But to keep "Old Glory" flying,
There's a price that we must pay.
For everything worth having
Demands work and sacrifice,
And freedom is a Gift from God
That commands the highest price.
For all our wealth and progress
Are as worthless as can be,
Without the Faith that made us
great and kept our country free.

Nor can our nation hope to live
Unto itself alone; For the
problems of our neighbors,
Must today become our own.
While it's hard to understand
The complexities of war,
Each one of us must realize
That we are fighting for.
The principles of freedom
And the decency of man,
And as a Christian nation
We're committed to God's Plan.

And as the Land of Liberty
And a great God-fearing nation.
We must protect our honor
And fulfill our obligation.
So in these times of crisis
Let us offer no resistance, In
giving help to those who need
Our strength and our assistance.
The Stars and Stripes Forever
Will remain a symbol of
A rich and mighty nation Built
on Faith and Truth and Love.
by Helen Steiner Rice