Mother's Day > Mother's Message from Heaven

A Mother's Message
From Heaven
I see you, darling, all the time,
I know everything you do,
Would you believe, my dearest child
I'm even closer now to you.
For I can see inside your mind,
Indeed, inside your heart,
I even know you better now,
Than I did before, sweetheart.
I've always loved you - you know that,
But maybe now I love you more,
I love the adult that you've become,
Just as I loved the child before.
I know how much you miss me, honey,
Well, I miss you, too,
I miss our talking and our laughing,
And all we used to do.
Whether you are six or sixty,
You'll always be my precious child,
You're the baby that I carried,
And the adult that's helped me smile.
What you need to understand,
Though death has taken me away,
Is that I've not left you, darling,
I am still with you today.
Honey, I could never leave you,
God, of course, would not want that,
Physically, we are apart,
But our hearts are still attached.
I love you all the time,
You cannot get away from me,
That's the way a Mother is,
Right into eternity.
Every day I'm with you
I see you from above,
And I want for you to know
How very much you're loved.
written by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis