The greatest day on earth, The day the stone was overturned, The sign of man's rebirth.
This is the day He left the tomb, The day the the angels hailed, This is the day the Lilies bloomed, The day to lift the veil.
This is the day that Mary's tears, Upon her cheek were dried, The day the angels quelled her fears, By singing He's alive!
This is the day that Christ was seen, Walking on the road, In the flesh - no, not a dream, In a white and holy robe.
This is the day He spoke aloud, Hear, see, touch - He's real, The day He rose up in the clouds, God's truth to man revealed. As hearts rejoice and sing.
written by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Happy Easter
Good morning. Proclaiming that to day Christ is risen. Trust you have a very Happy Easter and may you be blessed. Love from Hazel.