Thank You > Thank You for Your Kindness

Thank You For Your Kindness

Dear John & Gail,

Thank You For
Your Kindness


Some people
touch our lives
only briefly

while others
leave a lasting
impression and are
never forgotten.


Thank You

Thanks-a-1000 for your courtesy and kindness for ALL YOU DID...
for the Super Top-Gun Party.
I could go on All Day but...
GBY & Gail for making it one the Best Parties Anne and I have been to...
In a Long Time.... And what a pleasure meeting Ian Purcell.
Like You, What a Guy.
Let's do it again at least once a month.
Cheers & Beers & Blessings for a Wonderful Memorial Day!
Bro Ski & Anne
See Below


A Toast to Top-Gun Party