Christmas > Wishing You Peace, Love and Joy

Merry Christmas

Christmas 2022
Dear Family & Friends

Peace Love and Joy div Merry Christmas

Greetings from the North Pole, at least
it can feel that way sometimes. Winters
are getting colder it seems but thankfully
Calgary has this beautiful sunshine to
warm our heart & homes!

Getting through Covid has been very hard
for so many. Hopefully you & yours have
managed OK. But our hearts go out to
everyone who suffered through this trial.

These years have gone by so fast, but please
take time to ponder the reason for the season.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is
given & His name shall be called Immanuel,
God with us" Matthew 1:22
So may the truth of these words enter all of
our hearts, knowing that Jesus Christ was
born this day because
"God so loved the world" John 3:16
We can all rest assured that His Love will
see us through no matter what happens
in this world of sadness!

May peace, joy, hope & love reign
in your hearts as we rest in
His Loving Arms of Grace.

Lots of love,
Sharon & Pepper