St. Patrick's Day > My Irish Wish for You

St Patrick's Day March 17th

Dear Jim

My Irish Wish for You



Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope you are having better weather down there than we are here. We can be thankful that we are not having it like
California is. That must be terrible with the flooding they are having. Do you still have your glasses business? Jim, I
want you to know that I will never forget the help that you gave me when I had that Heart attack down there in Florida.
And of course, all the help you gave your Dad was Special. I really miss him. I talked with him for about a half hour on the phone the day before he passed away.. It must be close for you to retire. My kids have all retired now. I was introducing my daughter to someone a while back and I said this is my youngest daughter Sheila and she spoke up and said "I'm not a kid anymore I'm a 74 year old woman" I guess me being 94 I should remember my kids get old too.. Well Jim when you have a few minutes drop me a line and let me know how your doing.. Or you could give me a call . My phone no is 269-274-4868

Uncle Ivan
