New Years Day > Wishing You the Best

Happy New Year

Dear Cristy

Wishing You the Best


A New Year is a special time,
And I pray yours will be blessed.
May each new day bring happiness,
And everything's that's best.

I wish for you God's gifts of love,
Joy and hope each day.
That you will feel His presence,
Every step of the way.

A new beginning filled with love,
Is also wished today.
Because you are a special friend,
In every kind of way.

I look forward to the days ahead,
Spending time with friends too.
It doesn't matter whether old or new,
What matters is friends like you.


Happy New Year!

I wish you the very Best for this coming year. I've been having trouble with my Computer lately so I'm late getting my cards out.. Now I have trouble with my printer. I can't get it to print from my computer. I'll have Farmer work on it next week. When you are in our area stop in and have some coffee and cookies with me. I really enjoy visiting with you. Call me before you come so I'll be sure to be here. I'm going to the Dr. Monday and I have a Humana Ins. Nurse stoping Tuesday between 1:00 and 3:00. I don't know what she wants. From then on I don't have anyone here this month. Hope you and your family are all well.

