A Tribute To Daughters
On Mother's Day
Every home should have a daughter,
For there's nothing like a girl,
To keep the world around her,
In one continuous whirl..
From the moment she arrives on earth,
And on through womanhood,
A daughter is a female who,
Is seldom understood..
One minute she is laughing,
The next she starts to cry,
Man just can't understand her,
And there's just no use to try...
She is soft and sweet and cuddly,
But she's also wise and smart,
She's a wondrous combination,
Of a mind and brain and heart...
And even in her baby days,
She's just a born coquette,
And anything she really wants,
She manages to get...
For even at a tender age,
She uses all her wiles,
And she can melt the hardest heart,
With the sunshine of her smiles...
She starts out as a rosebud,
With her beauty unrevealed,
Then through a happy childhood,
Her petals are unsealed...
She's soon a sweet girl graduate,
And then a blushing bride,
And then a lovely woman,
As the rosebud opens wide...
And someday in the future,
If it be God's gracious will,
She, too, will be a Mother,
And know that reverent thrill...
That comes to every Mother,
Whose heart is filled with love,
When she beholds the "angel",
That God sent her from above...
And there would be no life at all,
In this world or the other,
Without the darling daughter who,
In turn, becomes a Mother.
~ Helen Steiner Rice ~
Happy Mother's Day
To My Daughter